Vice President and Secretary Position on the WNA Board

The Wyoming Nurses Association (WNA) Nominations Committee is seeking interested WNA members who wish to serve in leadership roles on the WNA Board of Directors.

Elected in 2015 by Statewide Ballot for a two year term is:

Vice President


Duties of each office:

The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and President-Elect. The Vice-President shall serve as Chairperson of the Membership and Public Relations Committee. The Vice-President shall serve as the elected First Alternate to the ANA Membership Assembly.

The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that records are maintained of meetings of the WNA, the Board of Directors, and Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, and shall notify members of the meetings of WNA. The Secretary shall serve as the elected Third Alternate to the ANA Membership Assembly.

All candidates for office must submit a “Consent to Serve Form”, and a statement (200-220 words) on what you believe are the major issues before the Association, in particular the position for which you are a candidate, and a head shot of yourself by August 1st to the WNA Office.