WNA Legislative Agenda
The WNA Board of Directors and lobbyist use the agenda statements for reference when promoting the WNA position on legislative issues.
- Improved access for early detection and prevention
- Promote a health care system which includes patient accountability and utilization of efficient care models
- Health promotion coverage (physical and mental health, dental, vision, etc.) for healthy and chronically ill adults and children to improve quality of life and reduce high end treatment costs
- Expansion of wellness benefits from private insurance and work places
- Coverage for those who fall between being able to afford private health insurance and qualify for Medicaid, Medicare – i.e. “gap insurance”
- Healthcare billing transparency (hospitals, physicians, residential care etc.)
Professional Practice
- All Registered Nurses should have the ability to practice to the full extent of their education and preparation
- Bachelor’s preparation within 10 years of graduation from AD program (current nurses “grandfathered”; any legislation would affect future nurses)
- Support the utilization of Advanced Practice Nurses as primary care providers
- Monitor proposed changes to WY Nurse Practice Act and Rules and Regulations
- Promote safe workplaces for nurses and other health care workers
Current Health Care Issues
- Monitor health care issues and promote nursing roles in potential solutions
- Support legislation that protects the public
Download the current WNA Legislative Agenda