WNA Legislative News
By: Toni Decklever, MA, RN, WNA Lobbyist
Newly elected and veteran legislators will convene on January 11, 2011 in Cheyenne to begin the 61st General Session of the Wyoming Legislature. The Labor Health and Social Services committee has had several meetings in the interim to hear reports and develop draft legislation for the upcoming session.
The Committee’s most recent meeting was held in September where they heard reports from the Department of Health and received updated information regarding Medicaid programs. Jan Drury presented information about Community Health Centers and there was a large amount of discussion around the topic of health insurance.
Two issues specific to nursing were discussed during this 2-day meeting. Last year a bill was brought forward from Sweetwater County involving public health nursing. Each county in our state has a public health office. Campbell County Public Health is staffed with nurses that are employed exclusively with the county. The other 22 counties are staffed with nurses that are a blend – some are employed by the state, some are employed by the county. The bill offered the counties the option of making all of their nurses employees of the county, or staying with their current makeup.
The bill was strongly opposed by the public health nurses and the decision of the committee was to not move the legislation that had been drafted. The sub-committee was giving the assignment to work with the stakeholders and possibly draft a new bill that would be satisfactory to all involved. At this point, this issue will continue to be an interim study.
On the second day, a presentation was given by Maria Kidner, RN, DNP to educate the committee on the roles and responsibilities of the Advanced Practice Nurse. She provided literature and an excellent presentation that was well received by the committee and the audience. Senator Scott has indicated that he would like to attempt to pass legislation that would allow ANP’s the opportunity to apply for admitting privileges to the hospitals in our state. AARP has voiced their support for this issue and meetings have been held with the Wyoming Hospital Association and the Wyoming Medical Society to work on language that all groups can support.
The committee assignments for the upcoming session have been posted. It is important to connect with these members prior to the session so they are familiar with our issues in advance. Many legislators and other groups request assistance or information from nurses as legislation is drafted. Even if you are unable to attend meetings and conferences, your voice does make a difference. I encourage your input and feedback and can be reached at tonisrn@gmail.com.