In Memory of Drs. Carol Macnee and Susan McCabe

We honor you this day to symbolize our honor and appreciation for being our beloved colleague and friend.  Thank you!

Drs. Carol Macnee, 59, and Susan McCabe, 55, were tragically killed in a car accident on December 18. 2008. Both were professors at the University of Wyoming, Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing located in Laramie, Wyoming and members of the Wyoming Nurses Association.

Dr. Carol Macnee was born July 26, 1949 to Alan and Lois (Livermore) Macnee in Boston, Massachusetts. Her parents preceded her in death. She is survived by her son Zach Mural and brothers Bruce, David and Tim.

Macnee earned degrees in nursing from the University of Michigan and the University of Virginia. At the time of her death she was the Research Director and Professor at the University of Wyoming, Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing. She held a similar position at the East Tennessee State University as well as other positions at East Tennessee State University, the University of Kentucky, the University of Michigan and the University of Georgia Health Services.

Macnee received numerous honors including the Excellence in Nursing Award in Research from Sigma Theta Tau, Nurse of the Year in Research from East Tennessee State University and the Rackham Non-Traditional Student Award from the University of Michigan.

She coordinated the Wyoming Nursing Summit for the last four years. She recently was named the director of the Wyoming Nursing Workforce Project, a joint project between the Wyoming Community Foundation, Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing and the Wyoming Nurses Association. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funds this project. Dr. Macnee was noted for her keen ability to make difficult information understandable as well as providing constructive evaluation for a variety of research and grant projects. Dr. Macnee co-authored a textbook with Dr. McCabe titled Understanding Nursing Research currently in revision for the third edition.

Dr. Susan McCabe was born March 21, 1954 to Bernard and Joan McCabe. She was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her siblings John, Connie, Barb and Tim.

McCabe earned diplomas and degrees from Harlem Valley Center School of Nursing, Syracuse University, Russell Sage College, and East Tennessee State University. At the time of her death she was an associate professor and Project Director for the Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing HRSA grant titled “Accelerating Learning Experiences for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Students.” Her specialty was treatment of psychiatric disorders. Susan had recently completed a research project focused on rural women and their health. She was a highly sought after speaker and a nationally respected expert in psychiatric mental health nursing. She had a professional practice as a psychiatric mental health advanced practice nurse in Laramie.

Susan previously was a faculty member at East Tennessee State University, College of Micronesia in the Marshall Islands, and Crouse Irving School of Nursing in Syracuse, N.Y. She also served as a consultant to a variety of pharmaceutical companies and as a consultant and presenter for numerous professional associations.

McCabe received numerous professional awards and honors including the Hendricks Lectureship Award from the International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses, Excellence in Leadership Award from the American Psychiatric Nurses Association and Psychiatric Nurse of the Year from the Tennessee State Nurses Association. Her professional memberships included American Nurses Association, International Society of Psychiatric Nurses, International Society of Addictions Nurses, American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Sigma Theta Tau and Phi Kappa Pi.

Both Macnee and McCabe were mentors to faculty, staff, students and other nurses locally and nationally. Their expertise and dedication will be sorely missed in the nursing profession. They used their creative talents to enhance the lives of many, both personally and professionally. In honor of Dr. Carol Macnee and Dr. Susan McCabe, the University of Wyoming is establishing a scholarship memorial fund.  This fund will be used to provide support to students in the Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing. 

If you would like to give a gift to this fund, please make the check payable to the:

University of Wyoming Foundation
1200 E. Ivinson Avenue
Laramie, WY 82070
In the note line of the check please write: Macnee/McCabe Memorial Fund

Or go to: and click on online gift form.  Include Macnee/McCabe Memorial Fund in the gift designation box.

Special thank you to Lois A. Pine and Mary E. Burman for providing the Wyoming Nurses Association the information for the dedication article.

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