WNA 2011 Strategic Plan and Goals
Goal #1: Promote development of nursing leaders
- Develop and support district leadership
- Wyoming Nurse Leadership Institute (WNLI)
- Present the value of WNA to the student nurses during legislative days
- Encourage WNA members to seek position at the local, state and national level
Goal #2: Lead in legislation and health policy
- Nurses Day at the Legislature
- Orientate District President's on how to develop relationship with their local legislator
- Formalized the WNA Legislative Agenda
- Monitor the WyHIE
- Explore the interest and potential for a WNA PAC
Goal #3: Advance the professional development of nurses
- Promote the activites of ReNEW
- Investigate the development of CNA II/MAC course in collaboration with the Wyoming Board of Nursing
- Provide education on the IOM future of nursing report in the Wyoming Nurse and to other healthcare profession associations
Goal #4: Enhance organizational viability
- Formalize the WNA business organizational structure
- Explore and enhance non due revenue streams
- Explore partnership models with other state nursing assocations
- Establish a WNA affiliate agreement
- Committee Chairs
Goal #5: Influence workforce initiatives
- Communicate and support the function of the Wyoming Center for Nursing and Health Care Partnerships
- Champion health and safety in the healthcare industry
Stay up to date with the progress of each of the WNA goals by reviewing the