2009 Nurses Day at the Legislature “Passion in Action”

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On January 26th and 27th, 2009 the voices of Wyoming nurses were heard in Cheyenne and all across the state of Wyoming! The Wyoming Nurses Association hosted a successful event even despite the winter storm that was occurring simultaneous across the state of Wyoming.

WNA is proud to say that we had over 185 nurses and student nurses register for this event even though they all were not able to travel to Cheyenne due to road closures. Schools of nursing from all around the state were present with students and faculty. The guest speakers included Marguerite Herman from the Board of Nursing; Jan Drury from the American Heart Association; Robin Roling and Linda Simmons who are WNA elected ANA delegates; Toni Decklever, WNA lobbyist; and Faith Jones, WNA President Elect and Legislative Chair.

WNA keynote and guest speaker on Tuesday was Janet Haebler, from the American Nurses Association (ANA) who serves as the Association Director of State Government Affairs. It was a great opportunity to get to visit with her one on one, and she demonstrated that Wyoming might be a small state; however Wyoming still plays a key role on the national level when it comes to nursing! Attendees heard from a wind variety of panel members regarding a discussion centered around how RN’s from across Wyoming have gotten politically involved in various levels and how each and every nurse can get involved.

Attendees had the opportunity to have lunch on Monday with 12 out of 14 members of the Joint LHSS committee. During the luncheon LHSS members address the nurses. Then later on Monday evening WNA hosted a legislative reception where the nurse attendees were able to ask questions to the legislators and have their undivided attention.

Thank you to all you registered and traveled to Cheyenne for this special event.  

Read what Janet Haebler wrote about WNA Legislative Days in ANA Capital Update

Look for the dates for 2010 Nurses Day at the Legislature to be announced soon and plan to visit Cheyenne for this outstanding and rewarding experience!

Copyright © 2009 WNA